Secrets That our Hair Candy Hairdressers Gold Coast Want You to Know


A professional hairdresser knows the ins and outs of styling, cutting, and everything else that has to do with making hair look good and fabulous. Us DIYers may have mastered some techniques while keeping ourselves entertained, productive, and creative during these quarantine times. However, hairdressers still have a lot more tricks up their sleeves. Curious as to what these may be?

Here are some secret styling tips you may not know about

Easy-to-style dirty hair

Having dirty hair may not be to your liking, but it is actually easier to style! It sounds odd, but it is not as strange as you may think. This means that it has not been washed the morning – some even recommend or a day or two – before you head to the salon. Compared to clean, shampooed hair, dirty hair can easily be moulded and hold styles better. 

Cool air, cool hair

Another styling technique that can help keep your hair in place for more extended periods is blowdrying with cool air for at least a minute after styling each section. Setting the style requires your hair and scalp to cool down, as the scalp produces heat and creates moisture, humidity, and, eventually, frizz. 

Know your hair type

This seems like an obvious or common tip, but it bears repeating. Knowing this goes a long way. When you identify your hair type, be it thick or fine hair, you will always know which style to go for and is best for your hair. 

Hair Candy’s Hairdressers are here to help

Want to know more salon secrets and hair care tips? Speak to our hairdressers Gold Coast at Hair Candy salon today! We have 14 years of experience in the beauty industry. Aside from the Gold Coast, we also have a salon located in Brisbane. To book an appointment for any hairstyling needs, visit us at


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